Organic velour/terry spa robe by Coyuchi.
It is made out of organic cotton which means no toxins (pesticides or fungicides) were used to process the cotton. The result is pure, crisp and lux embodied all in one. We love it!!!
Embrace yourself in luxury and be green at the same time? You cannot ask for more.
Available in Small/Medium and Large/Extra Large sizes. L/XL fits most men as well.
Makes a great gift!
Coyuchi has been recognized for its role in bolstering the production of organic cotton. The company has received the United Nations Second Annual Fashion Industry Award for Environmental Excellence.
Every fiber of cotton is produced in accordance with the standards set forth by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). Individual organizations handle the actual certification of cotton fiber produced in different regions: SKAL, a Netherlands-based certifier, oversees the cotton grown for Coyuchi in India.
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